Brenda Miles
Papa John’s International, Inc.
Job Title: Director, Benefits
KHC Committee Participation: Executive Committee
At Papa John’s, Brenda is responsible for the design and delivery of Health & Welfare benefits for team members in Papa John’s corporate owned restaurants throughout the U.S., the Papa John’s corporate campus, and PJ Food Service (food production & distribution).
Share your personal interest in health and healthcare system improvement.
The healthcare landscape is ever-changing. I’ve experienced the challenges professionally and personally when navigating the health care system for myself and family members. Ensuring high quality, affordable heathcare is critical for a community to thrive. While complex, I am interested in helping to find workable solutions.
What do you see as the biggest threat to our community’s health? How do you feel it needs to be addressed?
The opioid crisis significantly harms society. For health, it strains our emergency rooms, long-term recovery facilities, the health of impacted family members, and often becomes a cycle of addiction for generations. Ideally, we need to rebuild strong families, improve access to steady employment and reduce access to illegal drugs. It’s easier said than done.
How can the KHC best coordinate and align action to change health and the healthcare system? Explain.
I think the KHC can continue to bring the many stakeholders together to work toward improvements. I don’t see a single solution that can solve the complexity, but I hope we can chip away and help facilitate improvements wherever possible.
What is the KHC’s biggest contribution to improving community health and healthcare?
The KHC successfully engages a broad network of stakeholders. The focus now includes more statewide initiatives and networking with professionals throughout the country. Health challenges in the U.S. are more similar than not, so hopefully we can learn from each other’s successes to improve health within our own communities.
What is your guilty pleasure (TV show, sweet treat, etc.)?
Ice cream! Summer, winter, spring or fall, I struggle to resist the temptation. But, I’m working to find other lower calorie alternatives.
What are you passionate about?
Volunteering. Giving back improves our community and us as individuals. I frequently work in women’s ministries, jail ministries, and belong to a women’s philanthropic group.