KHC Member Spotlight: Rachelle Seger

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Rachelle Seger

Rachelle Seger
Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky

Job Title: Community Health Research Officer

Member of KHC for: Joined in 2020

What KHC committees have you participated? Health Equity Data Advisory Committee; Measurement Strategy Team; Kentucky Performance Measures Alignment Committee

Provide a brief description of your job: As the Community Health Research Officer, I coordinate the Foundation’s data collection and dissemination efforts, which includes the Kentucky Health Issues Poll (KHIP). I manage the Foundation’s data website, and plan and implement the free training series, Health for a Change.

Share your personal interest in Health and Healthcare System Improvement.

Before coming to the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky I worked for more than a decade on community health efforts. I saw the power of listening to patients and community members and the effectiveness of community health workers to illuminate problems and make improvements.

What are you most excited about working on in the future around health and healthcare improvement?

This pandemic will offer to the opportunity to rebuild systems to undo histories of racism and inequities.

Why do you and your organization belong to the KHC? What do you find most valuable as a member?

I appreciate learning from the KHC members. Being part of the Health Equity Data Advisory Committee and the Kentucky Performance Measures Alignment Committee helped me better understand how different sectors see the problems and solutions.

What do you do in your spare time?

I really like the library. It is a community health institution. Fiction, cookbooks, memoirs, histories are all welcome in my reading queue!

What are you passionate about?

I have volunteered with the Hildegard House for a couple of years. It offers home and compassionate care for individuals at the end of life who have no home or loved ones to care for them so that they may die with dignity. Every volunteer shift I learn from the residents and strengthen my resolve to improve health care for those most vulnerable in our community.

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