For the first time this year, Kentuckiana Health Collaborative has expanded its group practice performance quality reporting beyond Kentuckiana. This summer, more than 250 group practices for primary care, women’s health, and endocrinology received feedback on preventive care, pediatric care, acute care and chronic disease care measures.

The KHC was able to expand its reporting reach because of funding from a grant from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). As a partner on the Kentucky Department for Public Health’s Organized Approaches to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening (CRC) grant, the Kentuckiana Health Collaborative distributes annual individual provider and group practice reports throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky on colorectal cancer screening rates.
In 2015, Kentucky’s CRC screening rate was just 52 percent, below national averages. As a result, Kentucky leads the nation in CRC prevalence and is fourth in the nation for CRC deaths, according to the CDC. If more Kentuckians were screened according to recommended guidelines, many of these cases could be avoided.

Screening rates across Kentucky vary from 37% in eastern Kentucky to 61% in western Kentucky.
For more information on KHC’s measurement efforts, including access to community reports, click here. For more information on Kentucky’s CRC grant, contact Program Director Brian Boisseau at