Director, Programs and Health Strategies
Kentuckiana Health Collaborative
On Wednesday December 13, Greater Louisville Inc. recognized the 2023 graduates of the Health Enterprise Network’s Healthcare Fellows Program. Natalie Middaugh, Director of Programs and Health Strategies at the KHC was part of this year’s cohort. Healthcare Fellows is a formal executive education program focused on the many business sectors in Louisville’s vast healthcare ecosystem. Each year 14-24 professionals are selected from around Greater Louisville to participate in the 10-month program. Fellows are challenged to grow in their leadership capacity, increase their health-related knowledge, and expand their professional reach through monthly sessions with community leaders, academics, elected officials, organizational experts, researchers and entrepreneurs.
Through the 10-month process, participants visited sites of key healthcare organizations and were able to learn from and network with healthcare leaders. These sites and speakers included Centerwell Primary Care, LOUMED, Kentucky Association of Health plans, Kentucky Hospital Association, The Thrive Center, BluMine Health, UPS Healthcare, Norton Healthcare, Louisville Healthcare CEO Council, and Kosair Charities Clinical and Translational Research Building.
The 2023 graduating class of the Healthcare Fellows programs was a robust group of professionals, many of who were a part of KHC member organizations, including Humana, Aware Recovery Care, University of Louisville Trager Institute, and Spalding University. A full list of the graduates can be found here.
The KHC congratulates the 2023 class of Healthcare Fellows as well as KHC Members, Greater Louisville Inc. and the Healthcare Enterprise Network for a successful year.