Important Information About KHC Annual Conference

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We have been monitoring the situation with COVID-19 and any potiential impact on the KHC Annual Conference next Wednesday, March 11. We have been assessing the conference risk with KHC Executive Board Member Dr. Sarah Moyer, Director of the Louisville Department of Public Health and Wellness, and are following CDC event guidelines. At this time, our event has been assessed as low risk. All speakers currently are still confirmed for the conference.

In a constant effort to practice the best hygiene guidelines that protect against the spread of any and all viruses, including COVID-19, we have made the following adjustments to accommodate these concerns:

  • We will include hand sanitizer at each table
  • The buffet lunch will be served by venue staff members instead of self-serve
  • Rather than shaking hands, we ask that attendees opt for “hellos” or bump elbows as greeting

We also ask that anyone who is sick stay home, as you would with any virus. For attendees, please practice simple habits such as frequent hand washing. Please don’t hesitate to contact the KHC staff if you have any additional questions for concerns, and we will be in touch if anything changes.

Kentuckiana Health Collaborative

Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness

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