Annual Conference Boasts Best Speaker Lineup Yet

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The title of this year’s KHC Annual Conference is a mouthful, but that’s only because it reflects the amount of quality content that is featured in this year’s lineup of speakers, panels and topics – arguably KHC’s strongest lineup yet in its third year of hosting an annual conference. At “The 2017 Healthcare Question: What’s Coming, What’s Going? – Game Changers, Measurement Mayhem, and Payment Fixes,” attendees who come from various healthcare backgrounds will learn how innovation, measurement, and payment improvements support patient-centric care that can improve a community’s overall health.

The local and national thought leaders coming together to discuss the most critical topics of 2017 rivals any of the best conferences in the country. Don’t believe us? Judge the lineup for yourself. You can find the full agenda for the event on the event website and explore news articles, blog posts and more from our conference speakers and panelists below to learn more about their areas of focus.

For the first time in Kentucky, Michael Logan, Senior VP Member Relations Marketing, from the closely watched Healthcare Transformation Alliance (HTA) will be speaking at our conference about their bold plans for changing employer healthcare purchasing. Comprised of more than 30 of America’s largest corporations, HTA plans to find a better way of providing healthcare to employees, creating better health care outcomes and reducing waste. Their goal is to break from existing marketplace practices that are costly, wasteful and inefficient, all of which have resulted in employees paying higher premiums, co-payments and deductibles every year.

Dr. Steve Berkowitz will explore the 2017 game changers expected from businesses, innovators, and the new administration. Some of Dr. Berkowitz’s latest blog posts deal with medical staff intervention, managing physician burnout and rising costs as the silent “high blood pressure” indicator of healthcare.

Keynote speaker Francois de Brantes, Executive Director of the Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute (HCI3), will speak about the new payment innovations that are working for providers and consumers. Click here to visit his blog.

KHC Co-Chair person, Dr. Kenneth Wilson, System VP, Clinical Effectiveness & Quality, Norton Healthcare, will lead a panel of experts in a discussion on the healthcare measurement burden and how to transition to meaningful measure.

Colorado’s Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) is driving improved health, enhanced quality, and lower costs through their all payer claims database (APCD). VP of Research & Compliance and Chief Economist Dr. Jonathan Mathieu is scheduled to speak on where Colorado is seeing the biggest results from its APCD. See latest press release on first national Total Cost of Care Comparisons. In addition to Dr. Mathieu’s presentation, CIVHC’s Kristin Paulson will also serve on a panel dedicated to addressing healthcare’s role in addressing social determinants of health.

Dr. Robin DiMatteo, a psychologist by trade who teaches at University of California, Riverside, focuses on the ways healthcare providers can improve the healthcare experience of their patients by empowering them through cross-cultural communication and increased health literacy. Her blog is conversational, motivating and informative.

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