Natalie Middaugh
Health Collaborative
Job Title: Project Coordinator
Kentuckiana Health Collaborative welcomed a new full-time project
coordinator, Natalie Middaugh. Natalie joined the KHC part-time in
early 2018 to support the KHC's Kentucky Opioid Response Effort
(KORE) grant. After KHC was given funding for year two of the KORE
grant, Natalie was hired full-time to support that work and other
KHC projects. KHC members will get to know Natalie well as she
becomes more familiar with her role in upcoming months.
graduated earlier this month with a MPH in Health Promotion and
Behavioral Sciences from the University of Louisville. She is most
interested in continuing to work with the KORE grants.
inarguable that the opioid epidemic is currently one of the most
prominent public health concerns facing Kentuckians," Natalie
said. "I am eager and hopeful for how the KHC can be a
contributing force in addressing it."
her spare time, Natalie likes to stay physically active, whether
through exercise or entertaining her two dogs, Harper and Nova. She
is also passionate about food and nutrition, so she spends a lot of
time researching and cooking.
Little More About Natalie
Area of interest in healthcare: Chronic
disease prevention and management, nutrition and food access,
worksite wellness, geriatrics, substance abuse
Something that might surprise you about Natalie: She
has never broken a bone
Favorite place to travel: Anywhere
with a body of water or rich history. Her favorite place so far is
Rome, Italy.
Favorite quote: "Do the best you
can until you know better. Then when you know better, do
better." - Maya Angelo
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