In this edition, read our latest blogs, check out
our member spotlight of Don Lovasz, President and CEO of KentuckyOne
Health Partners (KHP), and our upcoming events.

Reduction an Integral Part of Quality Measurement
A common saying is that more information is better information, but
that is not necessarily the case in healthcare quality measurement.
Too many measures can create noise that hides what the key measures
are telling us, measures that are “topped out” don’t provide
meaningful information about variation between sources of care, and
the cost in time and money for measures that aren’t very helpful are
not worth that cost...MORE

Employers Discuss Impact of Depression on the Workplace
Greater Louisville area employers gathered last Thursday, April 20,
to discuss how to decrease stigma and increase help-seeking behaviors
for employees with depression. Marcus Miles from Employers Health and
Clare Miller from American Psychiatric Foundation’s Workplace Mental
Health shared how depression manifests itself in the workplace and
ways employers can address this growing issue...MORE

County Health Ranking Now Available
Last week, Robert Wood Johnson’s 2017 County Health
Rankings Report was released. The report, which provides data about
population health at a county level, summarizes key national
findings, as well as state and county trends. Users can explore the
data using the interactive
online tool or even download spreadsheets of data for their own
Here are some of the
top news stories that the KHC has been following:
- Louisville neighborhood Smoketown, the oldest
African-American neighborhood in the city and directly adjacent
to the highest concentration of health, hospital and physician
services in the state of Kentucky has been chosen as a pilot
site for Project HEAL. Project HEAL (Health Equity Art Learning)
is a transdisciplinary approach to the commitment of health in
the community, activating voices to create, support and
sustain health in all community development policies is a
primary goal of Project HEAL. Project HEAL uses arts and culture
as a form of discovery and language - creating a feedback loop
between policy makers and those most impacted by policy
decisions. For updates and more information, click HERE.
- Louisville Metro Council is currently seeking to
revise the language of the 2008 Smoke-Free
ordinance to include hookahs and e-cigarettes.
Expanding the Smoke-Free Ordinance to include electronic
cigarettes and hookah will align with the Healthy
Louisville 2020 goals of reducing and eliminating exposure to
smoking related health hazards and reducing exposure to
environmental health hazards. The revised Smoke-Free Ordinance,
without any exemptions, would promote clean and smoke-free
environments in all public indoor settings and protect
Louisville Metro’s clean air standards, reduce exposure to
indoor air pollutants, protect non-users and employees against
exposure to harmful chemicals, and assist with enforcement of
the Smoke-Free Ordinance. To learn more information, click HERE.
- Call to Action: Implement an Antibiotic
Stewardship Program in Your Organization.
Qsource, an atom
Alliance partner, is working under contract with the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as the Quality Improvement
Network (QIN) to assist Kentucky outpatient providers in developing
antibiotic stewardship programs and improving patient outcomes. They
are currently accepting partnerships to receive: expert
advice, useful education, and high quality resources on this
issue.Antibiotics are among the most commonly prescribed drugs and
save millions of lives each year. However, widespread, long-term use
has led to an alarming rise in antibiotic-resistant bacteria that, in
the U.S. alone, cause 2 million illnesses and 23,000 deaths each
year.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and
the World Health Organization have declared antibiotic resistance to
be one of the most serious national and global health problems
(PAC). For more information on partnering with Qsource click HERE.

All Member Meeting
May 9, 2017
Open to all members of KHC.
For more information email:
June Community Forum:
June 6, 2017
To Register, click here.
For information email:
Community Forum:
Sept 12, 2017
To register or for more information: email
Michele Ganote at
KHC Annual Conference
March 18, 2018
Save the date for our fourth annual conference. For more
information email:
The KHC brings together healthcare purchasers, providers, payers, and
consumers to solve complex healthcare issues facing our
the KHC
the KHC

Don Lovasz is the President and CEO of
KentuckyOne Health Partners and has been a member of the KHC for three
years. In 2017, Don was appointed to the KHC Executive Committee. Members
of the KHC most notably know Don for his expertise and passion for
value-based healthcare
What are you currently
working on that you are most excited about? How do you think it will
drive improvements to health and healthcare in the community?
"KHP has just become
a Next Generation Accountable Care Organization. We are very excited
about how this shift in structure will help to engage providers in
addressing health disparities through a number of priority metrics. As
a Next Gen ACO, individual Medicare beneficiaries will be able to
self-select the services of KHP next year and take advantage of health
coaching and other support services."
health is one of the three main priorities of the Triple Aim. What are
the best strategies for improving health in our community?
KHP, we encourage our beneficiaries to start the year with an Annual
Wellness Exam with their primary care provider. This exam gives
patients and provider an opportunity to put together a wellness plan
for the year, ensuring that patients get the important preventative
screenings needed that ideally keep patients well and costs low."
How can the KHC best
coordinate and align action to change health and the healthcare
"Healthcare is the same
as any industry sector, we respond to what the market asks of us.
Ambulatory centers, extended hours, accountable care organizations
are in place today because our clients demanded it. KHC members
represent government agencies and regional businesses who provide or
manage the healthcare insurance for thousands of individuals. KHC has
the unique ability to educate its members and shape health plan
contracts to encourage their ‘covered lives’, the physicians and the
hospitals to change behavior.
state faces significant health challenges, and no one will succeed if
we attempt to “boil the ocean.” As KHC remains keenly focused on the
critical few metrics that will drive the largest improvements, they
can educate KHC member organizations on how to contract incentives
and penalties. As before, the physicians and hospitals will respond
once consumers clearly indicate the outcomes they need."
What is your favorite app or social media outlet?
"I'm a pretty basic social media consumer, so
texting and Pandora (music) are what I use the most "
you for subscribing to the KHC Newsletter!
Our Mission:
The mission of the KHC is to coordinate action-oriented efforts
to mobilize the community to improve health and well-being. The KHC
works collaboratively to improve access to high quality care and drive
cost-efficient solutions, enhancing the economic competitiveness of the