Understanding MACRA: What Is It, When Is It and What Does It Mean for Communities?

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Event Overview


What Is It, When Is It, and What Does It Mean for Communities?

What is MACRA?

It’s the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015.

The Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NRHI) and the Kentuckiana Health Collaborative (KHC) are offering a
conference to explain it to the healthcare community. The traditional fee-for-service payment model has proven to be a barrier for achieving payment reform, failing to provide the right tools and incentives to improve the way care is delivered and to improve health outcomes. Congress made important progress in removing this barrier through passage of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), which reforms how physicians are paid and advances payment systems that reward value, rather than volume, of care.

For these critical reforms to have their desired impact on nationwide health care delivery, however, they must be implemented in a manner that makes success widely attainable and sustainable. This unprecedented transformation must be implemented in a manner that provides practical and digestible information tailored to the unique needs of communities and marketplaces throughout the country.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the conference, participants will have achieved the following learning objectives:

Learning Objective 1.  Participants will understand the proposed rules established by the federal government re: where Medicare is headed, including:

  • CMS’ vision and rational for MACRA
  • Definitions of APMs and other key concepts needed for APMs
  • The four phases along the transition to value-based payment (VBP)
  • The timeline for transition to VBP
  • Concrete examples of Medicare VBP (e.g., bundles, etc.)

Learning Objective 2. Participants will understand the challenges facing communities related to implementing APMs and MACRA, including:

  • The reality of “measurement mayhem” and need to align transformation efforts across payers
  • The underlying challenges of fee-for-service reimbursement
  • The difficulty of advancing APMs without alignment across payers
  • Common questions many communities are struggling with related to APMs

Learning Objective 3. Participants will understand what a multi-payer, multi-stakeholder approach to VBP entails, and why this approach is valuable, including:

  • Key ingredients along the continuum from a multi-stakeholder perspective (aggregating data, greater transparency, provider support, total cost of care information, etc.)
  • How the key ingredients fit together to advance transformation
  • Real life examples demonstrating how APMs can be implemented and what the key steps forward for providers; purchasers; payers; and patients

Our Guest Speakers

Confirmed speakers:

  • Mai Pham, MD – Chief Innovation Officer, CMS –
  • Elizabeth Mitchell – President & CEO, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NRHI)
  • Sanne Magnan, MD – Former CEO, Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement

Panel discussion with local representatives from:

  • Employer
  • Payer
  • Provider
  • Consumer

Confirmed panelists coming soon.

Event Location

The Seelbach Hilton
500 S. Fourth St.
Louisville, KY 40202


Conference:  Tentative – 8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Breakfast, networking and exhibitors open at 7:45 a.m.

Register for the Event

Registration Now Open – Click Here

KHC/NRHI Members  $250

Non-Members  $299

Students  $75

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Don’t miss this sponsorship and/or exhibitor opportunity to share information about your organization’s services with an estimated 250 healthcare stakeholders representing key employer and healthcare organizations.  For information, click here to see the sponsorship deck or email Michele Ganote at mganote@khcollaborative.org.

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