Press Release from National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions
National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions Elects New Board Officers
WASHINGTON – July 26, 2018 – The National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions, a non-profit network of business coalitions across the country, announced its slate of new officers for the Board of Governors. Officers are elected by their board peers based on proven leadership and commitment to the National Alliance, as well as their efforts to advance and strengthen value-based purchasing strategies.
“The National Alliance and it coalition members play a critical role in offering tools, programs and education to bring about meaningful change to our healthcare system, said Neil Goldfarb, President and CEO, Greater Philadelphia Business Coalition on Health and Board Chair. “Our board is comprised of knowledgeable and enthusiastic leaders working to move the market toward value-based purchasing to ensure purchasers can obtain the highest quality care at the most reasonable cost.”
Re-elected to a second term were Neil Goldfarb, President & CEO, Greater Philadelphia Business Coalition on Health, who will continue as the Chair, and Jessica Brooks, Chief Executive Officer, Pittsburgh Business Group on Health, who will continue as Vice-Chair.
Newly-elected to the Board of Governors:
- Randa Deaton, Co-Executive Director, Kentuckiana Health Collaborative
- Gaye Fortner, President and CEO, HealthCare 21 Business Coalition
- Cheryl Larson, President and CEO, Midwest Business Group on Health
Members continuing terms on the Board of Governors:
- Christopher Goff, CEO and General Counsel, Employers Health
- Diane Hess, Executive Director, Central Penn Business Group on Health
- Anne Ladd, CEO, Wyoming Business Coalition on Health
- Chris Skisak, Executive Director, Houston Business Coalition on Health
- Chris Syverson, CEO, Nevada Business Group on Health
- Cristie Upshaw Travis, CEO, Memphis Business Group on Health
- Lisa Wear-Ellington, President/CEO, South Carolina Business Group on Health
There are four external board members and two are continuing second terms – Garry Carneal, Founder, Schooner Strategies and Senior Policy Advisor, Kennedy Forum, and Kulleni Gebreyes, Principal, Health Industries Advisory Practice, PricewaterhouseCoopers. The two newly-elected members:
- Leah Binder, President and CEO, The Leapfrog Group
- Paul Fronstin, Director, Health Research and Education Program, Employee Benefit Research Institute
Annual Forum
Convening employers, policymakers, business coalition leaders and other healthcare stakeholders, the National Alliance will host its 23rd Annual Forum, November 12-14, 2018 at The Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC. Registration and sponsorship information can be found here.
About National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions
The National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions is a nonprofit network of business coalitions, representing more than 12,000 purchasers and 45 million Americans, spending more than $300 billion annually on healthcare. The National Alliance is dedicated to driving innovation, health, and value along with its coalition members through the collective action of public and private purchasers. To learn more, visit or connect with us on Twitter or LinkedIn.
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