KHC Member Spotlight: Sarah Moyer

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Sarah Moyer, MD, MPH

Sarah Moyer, MD, MPH
Director, Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness
Assistant Professor, UofL School of Public Health and Information Sciences
Chief Health Strategist, City of Louisville

Member of KHC for: Two years

KHC Committee Participation: Executive Committee, Measurement Strategy Team

Through her work with the LMPHW and UofL SPHIS, Dr. Moyer oversees public health initiatives for the city of Louisville and promotes changes in city policies to improve and protect population health. She educates the next generation of public health professionals and works collaboratively on research projects to better inform public health programs and policies.

Share your personal interest in health and healthcare system improvement.

“I’m a family physician, working on population health through the local health department. I truly believe that every system is perfectly designed for the results it gets. If we want health equity for all, we need to redesign the system we live in – KHC is doing that by focusing on outcomes and aligning strategic partners to initiate change.”

Why do you and your organization belong to the KHC? What do you find most valuable as a member?

“The people. Love meeting every month with other passionate leaders that are dedicated to improving the health of Louisville. I believe in the triple aim, and KHC’s mission to coordinate action-oriented efforts to mobilize the community to improve health and well-being. Community health issues require community health solutions, and real systems change.”

What do you do in your spare time? Provide a fun fact about yourself.

“Although much more difficult now as a mom of twin 3-year-olds and a 1-year-old, I love traveling. Love exploring new places, learning about new cultures. I’ve explored all 50 states and over 50 countries. I’m looking forward to when my kids are a little older and get the travel bug as well!

I also was a diver in college and high school. Love jumping from high places!”

What is your favorite quote?

“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets. ” -Paul Batalden

“Paul taught my quality improvement class at Dartmouth.”


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