Delanor Manson, MA, BSN, RN
Kentucky Nurses Association (KNA), Kentucky Nurses Foundation (KNF), and Kentucky Nurses Action Coalition (KNAC)
Job Title: CEO
Member of KHC for: 2 years
Provide a brief description of your job: As the leader of 3 nonprofits I manage the day to day operations as well as strategic planning, community outreach and membership support.
What are you currently working on that you are most excited about? How do you think it will drive improvements to health and healthcare in the community?
In the past 3 months KNA focused primarily on the mental and physical health of nurses fighting COVID-19 in all healthcare settings. With the support of community volunteers, KNA provided over 500 “Thank You Nurses” signs to homes and every Kentucky hospital, 2,100 face shields and over 10,000 bottles of hand sanitizer in collaboration with Kentucky distillers, Galen College of Nursing and the KNF. In collaboration with the International Society of Psychiatric Nurses (ISPN) we developed an in-depth peer support program titled Kentucky Nurses Helping Nurses.
What do you see as the biggest threat to our community’s health? How do you feel it needs to be addressed?
The biggest threat to the health of Kentuckians today is the failure to social distance and continue to wear masks. COVID-19 is still a deadly disease.
Why do you think a multi-stakeholder coalition like the KHC is needed in the community?
It will take years of effort and stakeholder collaboration to resolve the ills of unequal access to healthcare that promoted comorbidities and early demise in the communities of color. KHC could enhance the conversation and move the efforts along with greater commitment.
What is your favorite quote?
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” -Eleanor Roosevelt
What do you do in your spare time? Provide a fun fact about yourself.
I design and make gemstone and sterling silver jewelry.
If you could spend the day with one celebrity, who would it be and why?
Michelle Obama-She is always creating new tracts of her life I would love to hear about where the next tract of her life is taking her.
What is your dream vacation spot?
I am seeking a bike, hike and canoeing vacation soon.
If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the Title should be?
The Sky Was Not the Limit