We’re doing things a little differently for our June KHC Community Health Forum.

Traditionally, our Community Health Forums, designed to educate healthcare stakeholders on emerging trends in healthcare transformation across the nation, don’t feature condition-specific programming. Topics such as racism, affordable healthcare, or driving health improvements through measurement alignment are more typical of our Forum programming.
But next month, we’re zeroing in on cardiovascular care in Kentucky.
Cardiovascular care is incredibly important in the Commonwealth. Kentuckians have high rates of heart disease, heart attack and stroke, as well as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which increase the risk of stroke or heart disease. Just seven states have worse heart disease death rates, and stroke was the fifth highest cause of death in Kentucky in 2018. In 2019, 41% of adults reported being told by a health professional that they have high blood pressure, compared to the U.S. rate of 33%.
On June 8, the KHC will host “High Quality Cardiovascular Care,” a 2.5-hour virtual event open to the public for free thanks to grant funding from the Kentucky Department for Public Health. This interactive session will demonstrate how positive deviance can be disseminated and adopted to transform communities. We’ve expanded our typical Forum format from two hours to 2.5 hours to bring in national and local voices.
Some highlights include:
- Presentation from the quality experts at the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)
- A consumer story
- A local cardiologist who opened a clinic that serves the uninsured, the insured, and low-income patients, regardless of their insurance status or income
- A panel of providers who are tackling this complex condition
Registration is now open. To find more information, such as speaker information, agenda, or to register for free, click here.