KHC 9th Annual Conference a Success

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Thank you to all our attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors for making our 9th Annual Conference: Enhancing Quality, Affordability, and Equity Through Measurement and Transparency such a success. We had 190 registrants, exceeding our 2022 Conference. Almost 90% of attendees rated the conference Excellent or Very Good.

Secretary Eric Friedlander, Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services kicked off the conference representing Governor Andy Beshear. Dr. Christa-Marie Singleton, Chief Medical Officer for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was the keynote speaker and shared Does What gets Measured Get Done? Opportunities to Enhance Quality and Equity. One attendee noted that they had the most notes and takeaways from Dr. Singleton’s session.

Other speaker and session topics included: How Data Drives Solutions for Healthcare Equity and Addresses Access Challenges; Prescription Drug Pricing, Affordability, and Access; Measurement in Action to Design Benefits; Evidence on the Benefits to Pharmacogenomics; and Value of Transparency in Understanding Disparities in Healthcare. We want to thank all our speakers and panelists for their excellent information and discussion on these topics.

As a reminder, if you registered for the conference you can still go to the WHOVA app to view presentations speakers and panelists shared. You can also see the list of speakers and sponsors on the KHC website.

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