[Louisville, KY], August 26, 2016: The Kentuckiana Health Collaborative (KHC), in partnership with The Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NRHI), will offer the first conference of its kind to examine the impact of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) on a particular region. This conference is designed to navigate healthcare stakeholders through critical payment reforms by the federal government, which will transform the way they are paid for services.
The MACRA Playbook Conference – Understanding MACRA: What Is it, When Is it, and What Does It Mean for Communities – will be held Thursday, September 1 at the Seelbach Hilton in downtown Louisville. National speakers and local panelists will discuss what the sweeping Medicare payment changes under MACRA mean for doctors and the impact the rule changes will have on the local community. MACRA is the most transformative payment change for doctors in nearly two decades. Its effects are expected to ripple throughout the entire healthcare system.
Congress passed the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) in 2015 to reform how physicians are paid and to advance payment systems that reward value, rather than volume, of care. The purpose of this conference is to understand MACRA, the challenges facing communities related to MACRA and Alternative Payment Model (APM) implementation, and how employers, plans, physicians, and consumers can come together to maximize the impact of these critical reforms.
Attendees will get a rare opportunity to hear from the federal government along with national and local healthcare experts on this most transformative healthcare payment legislation. Partners for the event also include Kentucky Regional Extension Center and Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network.
“Improving how we get, give and pay for health care in the US is a team sport, and all stakeholders – providers, employers, patients, payers and community organizations – need to be at the table to be successful,” said Elizabeth Mitchell, President and CEO, NRHI,. “Through MACRA, our country’s largest payer –Medicare – has signaled its shift from volume to value, and its priority of aligning with the commercial sector. How this plays out will depend, to a great extent, on how communities collectively respond to and plan for this opportunity.”
The lineup of speakers and panelists for this one-day event include:
- Elizabeth Mitchell, President and CEO, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NRHI)
- Mai Pham, MD, Chief Innovation Officer, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
- Sanne Magnan, MD, Former CEO, Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement
- Diana Han, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Global Medical Director, GE Home and Business Solutions, a Haier Company
- Deanna Hall, RN, Manager, Corporate Health and Wellness, LG&E and KU Energy, LLC
- Don Lovasz, President and CEO, KentuckyOne Health Partners
- Mike Funk, Director, National Networks at Humana
- Thomas James III, MD, FACP, FAAP, Chief Medical Officer, Baptist Health Plan and Baptist Health Community Care
- Trudi Matthews, Managing Director, Kentucky Regional Extension Center, University of Kentucky
- Steve Hester, MD, System Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Norton Healthcare
- Gary Crump, MD, FACR, President, Rheumatology Associates
- Dianne Hasselman, Executive Director of Federal Programs, NRHI
- Emily Beauregard, MPH, Executive Director, Kentucky Voices for Health
- Kristin Celesnik Hennette, BS, Health Information Technology Specialist, Qsource
- Todd Bradon, Director of Health & Safety, UPS Worldport
- Cara Stewart, Attorney, Health Law Fellow, Kentucky Equal Justice Center
- Kenneth C. Wilson, MD, MS, CPE, System Vice President – Clinical Effectiveness & Quality, Norton Healthcare
- Larry Caruso, MBA, Chairman and Executive Director , Jobs for Kentucky’s Graduates (JKG)
NRHI is a national organization representing Kentuckiana and 34 other organizations across the country with the mission of improving health and healthcare in communities across the U.S. The KHC serves as a catalyst to transform healthcare by aligning providers and delivery systems, health plans, businesses and other key healthcare stakeholders in systemic improvement efforts to drive better care, better value, improved experience and the overall health of our community.
Registration is open. Please visit www.khcollaborative.org