It’s hard to believe it is time for the Board of Director elections for 2023. The Board of Directors is KHC’s governing body, providing strategic advice and operational oversight. The Board is comprised of healthcare purchasers, providers, payers, consumers, and members-at-large. The majority of the Board’s Directors represent healthcare purchasers.
We have several vacancies to fill due to changing roles and term expirations. We have received nominations from several members. Ballots for the 2023 slate of Directors will be emailed to all voting members December 7 and results will be announced no later than December 16, 2022.
From KHC’s Bylaws the Board shall have up to 17, but not fewer than nine members and consist of:
- At least five, but not more than 10 Purchaser Representatives: Healthcare purchasers such as employers, government, and labor unions that purchase healthcare for employees/members.
- At least one Provider Representative: Healthcare providers include hospitals, physician groups, providers, home health agencies, nursing homes, etc.
- At least one Payer Representative: Healthcare payers will be limited to organizations that provide private health insurance plans or state Medicaid agencies that directly pay for care, etc.
- At least one Consumer Representative and one At-large Member: All representatives who have a major stake in driving improvements to health and healthcare delivery.
The newly elected Directors begin their Board term in January 2023. The Board meets quarterly, currently virtually, and attendance at 2/3rd of Board meetings is expected. Board members can be asked to review materials, serve on committees, and conduct business over email on an as-needed basis. KHC membership is required of all Board members. Previous engagement and project participation will be considered.
The collective efforts of the KHC membership allows health and healthcare improvements in your organization and the broader community.